Monday, February 4, 2013


Apostles, sunning in the early morning light

"Mists rolling in from the sea"

Hooray! Today for the first time in quite a little while, we awoke to clear blue skies. The down-side however, was that the temperature plummeted and the little river behind the van decorated herself with drifts of white mist, which swirled in the early morning breeze. Last night we were lulled to sleep by the roaring of the enormous surf pounding on the rocky breakwaters. The day promised sunny splendour and spectacular surf.

A very watery Princetown

We were not disappointed. We headed out early again, eastward this time to the very watery village of Princetown. The Gellibrand River flows through this pretty little hamlet and the place abounds with water-fowl. The early morning sun captured the crests of the golden hills and provided mysterious dark gullies and vales. Brave and cold sheep grazed contentedly along the way and the maggies fossicked along the road-side for the proverbial early morning worms.

Lace Fringed Waves


White fluffy mist cuddled into the valleys and a wafted in from the sea. Glimpses of deep turquoise ocean fringed with abundant white lace delighted the eye as we drove towards our goal. Pretty little wallabies leapt into the thick scrub by the roadside and those rascally rabbits hopped around in all innocence of their bad press.
Loch Ard - site of a tragic ship-wreck & 2 valient survivors

All in all, it was a picture perfect morning. The ‘12’ Apostles were of course amazing as the photos will tell, but in fact after yesterdays bonanza of incredible coastal sculptures, we were probably less impressed that one might have expected. I think that after a little while we get spoilt with all the splendour. It is I think, a little like having crayfish every night for tea – after a while it becomes almost passé. Please don’t think we are complaining; far from it in fact. We are now doing what we love most. Our own special form of exploring, cruising along the roads and by-ways in Zed, slipping off down obscure little roads and tracks, chatting to everyone and anyone, and just generally enjoying this amazing world we live in.

Amazing Colours of the Coast at Port Campbell

Incidentally, I had a little brainstorm – yes, that is what people with little brains have – and thought that we should incorporate some words from Doug in each blog. The lad was very enthusiastic about this idea, but actually getting any words from the boy, now that is something else. When I asked him for his input today, his response was “Ahhh, I think I’ve OD’d on Apostles”. While I waited with worm on tongue (baited breath) and fingers poised above the keyboard, waiting for the next gem, a resounding “Zzzzzz” emanated from the bed onto which he had just laid his weary body. When you think about it, I guess that is wisdom personified. DD is full of wonderful little witticisms, just the other day he asked me what sort of bird we were looking at, and being told it was a Plover, burst into song – you guessed it – “Plovers in the air...............” No wonder I love him so much. DD’s capacity to make me laugh is one of his most endearing accomplishments.
Looking down on our campsite

Anyway, enough of this waffle. Enjoy the photos and get plenty of sleep; talk to you next time. Steph
Just us and the Apostles


Anonymous said...

What a handsome couple. Thanks for the blog & wonderful photos. love Rosemary & Ivor xx

SueH said...

So nice to see you together and as for the words of wisdom - WELL!! What can I say?
Love - Sue XX