Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well, it's been a while since we last communicated. Tomorrow is the 28th Jan and we are finally about to hit the road. We leave here tomorrow for the town of Kojonup. We will most likely spend one night only there, and then on to Albany on the 29th.
I have not posted anything for some time as I wanted to wait until I had some interesting travel info to pass on. In truth though, our time here has been exceptional. Past experiences in country caravan parks have involved mainly people on holidays. This park, perhaps due to being in the metropolitan area of Perth, seems to attract people who are here on a mission.
In respect to people's privacy I will omit names, but I would like to give you a brief run-down on some of the people we have met here.
We met the first of our new friends one Monday night at the park 'Sausage Sizzle'. Sadly, the park get together here pales in comparison to those we have experienced in other parks, however, it did serve to introduce us to a wonderful couple who I will call Lorry and Ralph - they are here to support their daughter who has recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
Unfortunatley, the cancer was quite advanced when discovered and the treatment & surgery has been radical. The mum, Lorry has had her own fight with both bowel & breast cancer and had herself been subjected to a masectomy only last year. These are lovely people, and you just cant help but wonder why their path has to be so testing - perhaps because they have the strength of character to endure. I must say, they appear to have a wonderful marriage and seem to be devoted to each other. This in itself is wonderful as I understand they have been married in excess of 40 years. It goes to show, it really can work!!
The couple in the van next to theirs, have given their home to their son and his family, whilst the son's house is built. This is quite some sacrifice as he (the dad) is still working and has to go to work each day from an environment where most other folk around him are in major holiday mode. In addition to giving up their home, the mum still finds herself minding grandchildren on an almost daily basis. This couple, who we will call Tammy & Donald, have to be one of the most down to earth couples I have encountered. Tammy is a real character, who calls a spade and spade, reacts vigourously to most situations, presents the persona of the warrier queen, and yet I detect a deeply caring heart behind all the bravado - she gave me a mechanical gold cat - I think it is a Chineses good luck item - only Tammy would think of giving me a cat.
Another couple, Herman & Karen came to this park in order to swap their modest 'pop-up' van for a super delux Winnebago. They are Queenslanders, and have grown up daughers who both live oversees. There is with them, as there is with many of us, unresolved issues & friction with one of the daughters. I know this causes Karen particularly deep sadness.
Despite this, they are really living the dream. They tow a large vehicle behind the Winnebago and in that vehicle is Herman's Harley. They have a cottage by the sea in Queensland and plan to spend most of the remainder of their lives on the road - what a hardship. Karen is a real surprise package - to all intents and purposes she is a meek mild little mouse, but I have seen that she is a mouse that roars and I think every so often Herman is set back on his bottom by one of her salvos. We have nicknamed Herman the dingo due to his tendancy to wander around camps, sniffing out interesting people to talk to. He seems a great bloke and TBBITW certainly gets along well with him. I will always credit him with introducing me to a new Aussie expression. He was foolish enough to comment to Karen as to how much she appeared to enjoy cleaning and polishing - she apparently astonished him by "going off like a frog in a sock" - needless to say, the mental image of tiny petite Karen hopping around in a sock is one that I will cherish for quite some time.
Every camp has it's characters and one of the memorable ones here is a fella called Darren - he works part time at the park, part time selling caravans and part time at another park in the north of the country. What a beaut bloke he is - nicknamed the wombat due to his tendancy to come out at night. Every night he does the rounds, chatting to anyone he spots along the way. He is the bloke that always knows - but I mean, he seriously does know - the best place to .....
the best person to see for...........the best way to hook up the...etc,etc, etc. We all think he should be managing the place, but off course he is not interested in full time work - not surprising, he is pushing 70 - not that he looks it!
I think I will save the rest for the next post, as it is approaching 11pm and we hope to be on the road reasonably early in the morning - until next time - Steph.