Monday, June 7, 2010


We phoned ahead to book our bay
As is our habit when we need to stay
At the next park around the bend
As on our merry way we wend
He roughly advised he’d only gravel
To offer us to break our travel

There were no sorries nor never minds
Just be quick - make up my mind
I said that we’d be pleased to take it
But his manner, I couldn’t shake it
I mentioned to Doug the attitude
Said I thought it seemed quite rude

I had to call the man again
This time he really screwed my brain
I asked if we would get the net
He treated me as if I was quite wet
Sat Nav he barked into my ear
It seems he thought I couldn’t hear

Things went from bad to really worse
I thought I actually heard him curse
When I answered in sad denial
That regular mobiles we had the while
No reception here he brusquely said
When I hung up my face was red

So it was with apprehension
And quite a bit of timid tension
That we towed our van that day
Into the park at Orleans Bay
We approached the desk with curiosity
To see the bloke with such velocity

Not the sort of bloke he sounded
He had a face that was quite rounded
Of diminutive stance and sturdy
Could have run the hurdy gurdy
At the circus side show ally
And whats more he seemed quite pally

As were always want to do
We asked the price for a week or two
No discounts here the smart reply
He obviously thought that we would try
His answer we thought was nimble
No matter if you’re black or white or brindle

We towed the van down to our spot
On the gravel parking lot
The bay was good and air was clean
Doug put out the washing machine
We sorted out our worldly goods
And Doug espied a pile of wood
Ah wood fires he said with glee
I wonder if the wood is free

We had our lunch and Doug said later
He would like to read the paper
So to the office he meandered
Passing thru the front verandah
When a notice he espied
Fifteen dollars for a fire

Bloody hell, he exploded
The prices here are frigging loaded
In he went with breath abated
At the counter he then waited
A paper he snorted when Doug asked
And he took him straight to task
We might get one, we might not,
And out here, that’s your bloomin’ lot

Well by now we had the feeling
And our senses were just reeling
The way this bloke would take take your loot
He could only be the Duke
So the Duke at Orleans Bay
He was named that sunny day

Of course in time we finally found
Just by chatting and hanging around
That the Duke was a beaut bloke
And did really enjoy a joke
He spoke the truth and told it true
And took your money right on cue.


As promised, the following is a brief summary of the caravan parks we have stayed at since we started our journey early this year. I have to say that we have not really had a bad experience to date. We feel that many things make up the enjoyment or otherwise of a park and of course we all have different criteria. I will simply tell it as we found it. I guess it would be pertinent to tell you first what we look for in a park.
· Clean Amenities with spacious showers with good water pressure and sufficient space to keep clothes dry.
· Spacious level sites preferably grassed.
· Good easy to manoeuvre roads/access
· Security
· Outlook
· Good power and water supply
· Internet/mobile phone access
· Friendly staff
· Atmosphere
· Value for Money
These are the most important things for us, little extras would be dog friendly even tho’ we are not currently dog owners, good laundry facilities and some sort of weekly event such as sausage sizzle etc. where patrons are encouraged to socialise.

Forrestfield (Perth Metro) Big 4 Discovery Park****
Excellent large caravan park close to airport (no undue noise), public transport and shopping centres. Good grassed sites, some drive thru’, great amenities blocks, bbqs a bit on the slow side. Suitable for long stays.

Kojonup Caravan Park
Lovely little bush caravan park, beautifully maintained. Good atmosphere and drive thru’ bays. Great under cover kitchen and good atmosphere. Would be good for caravan groups and weekend meetings.

Albany – Rose Gardens Beachside Caravan Park (Acclaim ****)
Very hilly with tight roads. Amenities were under review and quite ordinary when we were there in early 2010. Staff were friendly and there was hot food available from the shop. The views were sensational. Dog friendly.

Bremer Bay Caravan Park (the one by the beach) non star rated.
We loved it here although it was not at all up market. We had pretty much a paddock to ourselves. The amenities were ordinary but OK. Staff were friendly and there was a good atmosphere in the park. This was essentially a fishing park and there were many permanent vans on site. Easy access and big grassy sites. Dog friendly.

Excellent caravan park – we asked for a front row site overlooking the bay – amazing views – lots of wind tho’. Excellent showers/toilets and the cheapest laundry we have seen in our travels. Rather tight grassed sites. A big of work to get in and out. Very professionally run.

Interesting place, good park, some grassed sites, perfect location, amenities were OK, fishing was great, staff took some getting used to. I actually wrote a poem about the bloke who appeared to be running the place – actually the owner’s son. I will include it at the end of this blog, just for a laugh. Once again this was a fishing park with quite a few permanent vans on site. Despite the unusual people there, we loved it and strongly recommend it. Dog Friendly.


FRASER RANGE – Non star rated – around 90ks east of Norseman – great little spot on historical site – good atmosphere, huge campfire at night under brilliant sky. Must Do. Plenty of powered sites, some with water. Good drive thru’ sites.
MADURA – non star rated
Sensible stop with powered sites – no water. Amenities all OK. Rough but drive thru’ sites but considering location not too bad. Pub/restaurant for those who need a fix of food or drink.


FOWLERS BAY (non star rated)
WELL...........what do we say about Fowlers Bay – no other choice in town – uni-sex amenities, clean and well appointed, shell grit sites, some drive thru’, limited power (can not use air con), very poor water pressure, but hey, great fishing!!!! We came for 1 night and stayed much longer. Dog friendly.

Super efficiently run caravan park, completely fenced and all shell grit surfaces. Amenities block was excellent and very clean. Excellent camp kitchen and meeting place. On the down side, claustrophobic and noisy. On the up side, great fishing! Staff/owner brilliant and very friendly. Dog friendly.

Our first stay in a “Family Park” very very good –huge spacious grassed sites, with some drive thru’. One amenity block was ordinary but the other I am told was fine. Beautiful outlook, near the jetty (just out of town), super friendly owners and good atmosphere. Dog friendly.

Good park, grassed sites, amenities fine, plenty of space, lots of drive thru’s, well located. Dog Friendly.

This has to be our favourite so far. Brilliant location, lovely green grassed sites, immaculate amenities, plenty of room, Thursday night sausage sizzle and Sunday morning pancakes. The owners were just the best – we really had to drag ourselves away from this one. Dog friendly.

We only stayed overnight here so not in a good position tell you a great deal. Amenities were excellent (foot towels provided!), absolute beachfront sites available for a slightly higher price (well worth the price). Relatively good access and mainly grassed sites.

Interesting spot, plently of room, drive thru’ sites, amenities OK, fine for overnight. Interestingly there was a licensed bar on site. Nice little watering hole and alcohol not over-priced.

Excellent park, plenty of space, some drive thru’ sites. Amenities were good. Added bonus, the owners are traditional pizza makers and have a pizza salon on site – very, very good. Also were able to book a very good tour from the park. No water on site, but you are able to fill up your tanks for a minimal cost.


KULGERA CARAVAN PARK – caravan sites behind the Kulgera roadhouse, hotel. Powered/watered sites, but water not suitable for drinking. Drive thru’ sites. Amenities OK. Staff generally friendly. Good tucker at the pub.

Excellent park, full resort facilities. Dog friendly.

KINGS CANYON RESORT(non star rated)
Excellent park, full resort facilities.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Standley Chasm Ormiston Gorge

Distant Beauty

Alice from the Anzac Memorial Lookout

I am absolutely amazed by Alice Springs and the surrounding area. I was obviously completely ignorant of the general landscape here. I suppose, like most people, I had not consciously thought about what Alice would be like, but in the dim recesses of my mind I had an image of flat, dry, hot, red, dusty plains surrounding a somewhat tumble-down township. That was the visual. On top of that, we were told by innumerable people that the aboriginal people here were not friendly and that drunken and bad behaviour by the locals made visiting the town both unpleasant and dangerous. Goes to show that you should never really take anyone else’s opinion of a place – just go and find out for yourself! I don’t believe I have been sooooooooo totally wrong about anything for quite some time.
From the township perspective, the town is well ordered and has pretty much everything you would wish to find in a remote area town. The aboriginal people we have encountered here have been friendly and welcoming. We have not felt at risk at any time. Certainly alcohol abuse is still evident, but it is now very low key during daylight. We have not ventured out at night. The population here is very multi-cultural as people from all over the world have settled in this area.
Scenically, this is an outstandingly beautiful place. Alice is nestled into a basin within the MacDonnell Ranges. The ranges provide some amazing spectacles including gorges, chasms and spectacular red rocky mounts, hills and rocky outcrops. Thanks to the very wet season just finished, the area is also quite green. We have been very lucky to be here at this time. The Finke River still has quite a bit of water in it making visits to the gorges all the more rewarding.
The only thing I had right, was the red part. I still cannot get past just how red the soil and rocks are here. With the green foliage, bright blue skies and red soils and rocks, the overwhelming effect is one of unspeakable beauty. It almost hurts the eye at times, it is just so incredible! It seems just a bit too dramatic to call it opalesque and yet, that describes it best. AMAZING ALICE
I am absolutely amazed by Alice Springs and the surrounding area. I was obviously completely ignorant of the general landscape here. I suppose, like most people, I had not consciously thought about what Alice would be like, but in the dim recesses of my mind I had an image of flat, dry, hot, red, dusty plains surrounding a somewhat tumble-down township. That was the visual. On top of that, we were told by innumerable people that the aboriginal people here were not friendly and that drunken and bad behaviour by the locals made visiting the town both unpleasant and dangerous. Goes to show that you should never really take anyone else’s opinion of a place – just go and find out for yourself! I don’t believe I have been sooooooooo totally wrong about anything for quite some time.
From the township perspective, the town is well ordered and has pretty much everything you would wish to find in a remote area town. The aboriginal people we have encountered here have been friendly and welcoming. We have not felt at risk at any time. Certainly alcohol abuse is still evident, but it is now very low key during daylight. We have not ventured out at night. The population here is very multi-cultural as people from all over the world have settled in this area.
Scenically, this is an outstandingly beautiful place. Alice is nestled into a basin within the MacDonnell Ranges. The ranges provide some amazing spectacles including gorges, chasms and spectacular red rocky mounts, hills and rocky outcrops. Thanks to the very wet season just finished, the area is also quite green. We have been very lucky to be here at this time. The Finke River still has quite a bit of water in it making visits to the gorges all the more rewarding.
The only thing I had right, was the red part. I still cannot get past just how red the soil and rocks are here. With the green foliage, bright blue skies and red soils and rocks, the overwhelming effect is one of unspeakable beauty. It almost hurts the eye at times, it is just so incredible! It seems just a bit too dramatic to call it opalesque and yet, that describes it best.
The only negative I can find is that I imagine in the summer, the experience would be totally different. At the moment we are experiencing very cold nights and comfortably sunny days. This means minimal dust and flies.
As far as things to do here, there are mobs..............., The Desert Park (a must), The Botanical Garden, all the Gorges and Chasms, any number of tours, Cultural Precinct, Museums etc, etc. Sadly, we really only skimmed the surface ourselves and we were here for 8 days. As you will probably deduce if you read the Palm Valley blog, I highly recommend the Palm Valley Tour, we used Alice Wanderer which appeared to be the cheapest and we were very impressed.
On a more practical note, I have been asked to give a brief run-down on the caravan parks we have stayed at. I have been a little reluctant to do this, as I think every experience is very different and coloured by personal preferences etc. On reflection tho’, I see no harm in giving a quick write up on the camps.
In future I will give that description at the end of the relevant blogs and to catch up I will do a special entry just touching on the parks we have stayed at so far. As for Alice, we are staying at the MacDonnell Ranges Holiday Resort. The park is just a little removed from the town and is a 4 star, Big 4 park. The prices are a little steep, especially during peak period, however the park itself is excellent. The bays are huge and most are grassed. There is a special free activity every day, generally at night., ie. Bush ballads, Star Gazing, 4wd talks, etc. If there is a negative at all, we find it a little sterile. It may well be because we are right at the edge of the park and not sitting in the middle of things. The amenities are huge, clean and well appointed. The park is also extremely quiet. Not dog friendly for the poochie people tho’. We would rate this park 8/10.
From here we are off to parts unknown, but generally in the direction of Darwin. Look after yourselves – Stephanie.


I am absolutely amazed by Alice Springs and the surrounding area. I was obviously completely ignorant of the general landscape here. I suppose, like most people, I had not consciously thought about what Alice would be like, but in the dim recesses of my mind I had an image of flat, dry, hot, red, dusty plains surrounding a somewhat tumble-down township. That was the visual. On top of that, we were told by innumerable people that the aboriginal people here were not friendly and that drunken and bad behaviour by the locals made visiting the town both unpleasant and dangerous. Goes to show that you should never really take anyone else’s opinion of a place – just go and find out for yourself! I don’t believe I have been sooooooooo totally wrong about anything for quite some time.
From the township perspective, the town is well ordered and has pretty much everything you would wish to find in a remote area town. The aboriginal people we have encountered here have been friendly and welcoming. We have not felt at risk at any time. Certainly alcohol abuse is still evident, but it is now very low key during daylight. We have not ventured out at night. The population here is very multi-cultural as people from all over the world have settled in this area.
Scenically, this is an outstandingly beautiful place. Alice is nestled into a basin within the MacDonnell Ranges. The ranges provide some amazing spectacles including gorges, chasms and spectacular red rocky mounts, hills and rocky outcrops. Thanks to the very wet season just finished, the area is also quite green. We have been very lucky to be here at this time. The Finke River still has quite a bit of water in it making visits to the gorges all the more rewarding.
The only thing I had right, was the red part. I still cannot get past just how red the soil and rocks are here. With the green foliage, bright blue skies and red soils and rocks, the overwhelming effect is one of unspeakable beauty. It almost hurts the eye at times, it is just so incredible! It seems just a bit too dramatic to call it opalesque and yet, that describes it best.
The only negative I can find is that I imagine in the summer, the experience would be totally different. At the moment we are experiencing very cold nights and comfortably sunny days. This means minimal dust and flies.
There is an abundance of things to do here. In fact we found that one week really is not quite long enough to see it all. Apart from the wonderful drives out to various scenic spots and historic Hermannsburg, there is also the wonderful Desert Park (a must), the cultural precinct and just so much more. We really didn't do it justice.
On a more practical note, I have been asked to give a brief run-down on the caravan parks we have stayed at. I have been a little reluctant to do this, as I think every experience is very different and coloured by personal preferences etc. On reflection tho’, I see no harm in giving a quick write up on the camps.
In future I will give that description at the end of the relevant blogs and to catch up I will do a special entry just touching on the parks we have stayed at so far. As for Alice, we are staying at the MacDonnell Ranges Holiday Resort. The park is just a little removed from the town and is a 4 star, Big 4 park. The prices are a little steep, especially during peak period, however the park itself is excellent. The bays are huge and most are grassed. There is a special free activity every day, generally at night., ie. Bush ballads, Star Gazing, 4wd talks, etc. If there is a negative at all, we find it a little sterile. It may well be because we are right at the edge of the park and not sitting in the middle of things. The amenities are huge, clean and well appointed. The park is also extremely quiet. Not dog friendly for the poochie people tho’. We would rate this park 8/10.
From here we are off to parts unknown, but generally in the direction of Darwin. Look after yourselves – Stephanie.