Sunday, February 3, 2013


Bay of Islands

Amazing Natural Sculptures

I could not possibly describe this any better – this is the GREAT Ocean Road. I could have labelled this THE HAND OF GOD I suppose, as His touch is very evident here. I know all my good mates out there, the Thomas’s of this world are smirking to themselves right now, congratulating themselves at their superior thinking and laughing at my gullibility but you know what, I just don’t care. I will pray for you my friends. One glimpse of this coastline would have been enough to convince me of His powers. Mind you, it is known here as the ‘Shipwreck Coast’ and I suppose it could be argued that another agent of a less loving nature could have had a hand in this. Certainly I would not have liked to be one of those poor souls who encountered the pure savagery of this coastline in a sailing ship.

Magical - The Grotto

London Bridge

Anyway, we are in the pretty little coastal town of Port Campbell, the first of our stops on the Great Ocean Road. Once again we have been super lucky as we have, we believe, the best site in the camp, our site running down to a pretty little river, habituated by water fowl and fairy wrens. We do seem to have more than our fair share of these wonderful bays.

Our Own Little Water Park Behind the Van

Surreal Moon-Scape at The Arch

All is good in our world, and for once, I am going to shut up and just let the photos talk for themselves. Rather than doing one single blog for this area, I intend to post several posts which will comprise mainly of photos.

Enjoy!!! Steph.

Sign we spotted at picturesque Peterborough - DD's Comment - "Being an 'ex'-golfer I really know the feeling!"

Painted by Nature!

1 comment:

SueH said...

Hi Steph Darling
Thanks for the memories!!
Love - Sue XX