Tuesday, June 14, 2011


From the Tree Top Walk!

Gnarly and wonderful!

Sorry, I just couldn’t move on without telling you just a bit more about our stay in Denmark. Mind you, we came back to Perth on the 9th April and it is now early June and it all seems just sooooooo long ago! Having glanced through the previous entry however, I felt there was a bit to add.

I mentioned the Tree Top Walk at the Valley of the Giants and just wanted to touch on that with you. I don’t believe I will ever tire of Tingle Trees. They are just so incredible. I am not going to try and educate you here, those of you not familiar with these amazing giants might like to ‘Google’ them to find out more. I will attempt to post a few photos tho’ which will introduce you to the Tingles. They are enormous, not only in height, but in width. To my over-active imagination they resemble something from the Fairy Tales of my youth and I can well imagine them being peopled by Goblins and Elves. The enormous boles are beautifully gnarly and fantastically shaped. Many of them having survived multiple bush fires are hollowed out at the base and shout silently at you with cavernous gaping maws. Of course there are also the Karri Trees scattered amongst the Tingle, trying always to scrape the clouds from the sky. The walk itself can be a little scary if one is challenged by heights. Just remember tho’ if you baulk at the challenge, we took my mum there for her 80th and she gamely walked the entire length of the Tree Top Walk.

My wish to ‘do the tourist thing’ was fulfilled and we visited both the Chocolate and the Toffee establishments. They were predictably full of Gourmet Items, delectable wines and other knick knacks. They were however, despite the Tourist flavour, worth visiting. The Toffee place had enormous ice creams (made fresh) for the paltry price of $4. We also went to lunch at one of the numerous boutique wineries in the district. I think from memory the place was called Karri Ridge. We partook of a Lunch Platter which whilst a little overpriced was very good indeed. We also tried their very quaffable Rose. I hadn’t had Rose for many years having long since found it a bit sweet for my jaded pallet. We were both pleasantly surprised to find this one not at all too sweet and very drinkable indeed. I think in fact that we still have a bottle secreted away somewhere, hmmm, we had better do something about that!! We also went to lunch at the local Tavern. What a bargain. They do a 2 course lunch for $21! It was huge, if not a little rich. We waddled our way out of that establishment I can tell you. My new found fascination with all things arty was also satisfied as the walls were adorned by quite good paintings done by a local artist.

We travelled extensively around the area and were just blown away by the beauty of the surrounds. One gem that we had not previously discovered was Green Lagoon (please forgive me if the names are not 100% correct, the past couple of months have almost erased my ‘memory files’). This is an exquisite spot just perfect for a dip in the briny blue. Sadly we didn’t go prepared so could only watch while others bathed. Remember this was a couple of months ago so the temperatures were still quite balmy during the middle of the day.
Stunning Green Lagoon
Anyone for a dip?

We took time out to visit old mates while we were in town. Bev & Colin were as usual gracious hosts and once again we were more than a little jealous of their piece of paradise. Col showed off his Inner Chef and treated us to a delectable meal. Janice showed us with pride why she and Don call Denmark home and we made a couple of new chums, Peter and Sandy who have just finished renovating their own special retreat. Peter and Sandy have a lovely home overlooking the inlet and they have devised a wonderful treat to encourage the local birds. Initially they found that the bigger birds would come to feed and the beautiful little birds would miss out. Now they have set up feeding trays with domes of wire in ever diminishing size – this allows the little ones to freely pass through the larger holes to feed unmolested in the centre of the dishes. The larger birds still get food but stay on the outer rims of the feeders. Ingeneous!!

Well, I could ramble on forever about this part of the world – we were so smitten with the Blue Beauty that is Denmark, BUT................life beckons and I had better move along and let you get on with your own travels and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read my words. Look after yourselves and each other. Stephanie.

Opening Curtain

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