Saturday, July 10, 2010


OK, OK - yes, I have had another look at yesterday's blog (thanks Sue) and yes I suppose it was just a little bit long, just a tad wordy, a smidgen lengthy, a..........OK! I have never pretended to be short winded, especially on paper, I am well aware of my propensity to written diarrhea. That's why my blog is called Stephanie's WORDS. This is the one avenue I have for just writing and writing - something I just love to do. I am sorry if it becomes boring, just bear with me and skip the long boring ones, or as I m sure some do, just look at the pictures.

As far as the content goes, it was supposed to be a bit of comic relief - it was I might add, written with the full knowledge of poor old Doug, who aided and abetted my efforts. If you did read the blog, you might be interested to know that the flags turned up IN THE BOOT and the bags were duly searched and replaced UNDER THE VAN. That was, I might add, before D read the blog. Aside from that the 'stuff' that lives 'out there' is once again distributed around the van in gay profusion, the grass clippings are back on the floor and the van is happily water splattered after D doing the breakfast dishes. Whats more, he and me are quite happy with that!

So, once again, sorry about the lengthy blogs, as I am trying to learn the craft of 'writing in a manner interesting to others', I am bound to 'stuff it up' from time to time - just bear with me and keep the critiques coming.

Love as always - Steph.

1 comment:

SueH said...

Hi Steph
I seem to have hit or miss success with these comments - yesterday I posted a very clear statement of non-criticism of your wonderful words but it must still be floating in cyber-space!!
I LOVE everything you write!!
Sue XX