Monday, June 13, 2011


Placid Pelicans in the mouth of the River

Early Morning Peace

We managed to get away from Northcliffe unscathed and headed still southward in a generally eastern direction to the beautiful coastal town of Denmark. On the way we passed through another of our favourite spots, Walpole. It was a real tussle with our collective consciences not to stay there, but we had decided that we should try something different this time, so it was with some sadness we drove through that delightful little town. Doubtless we will stay there another time and tell you more about it then. Doubtless too, while we are here, we will ‘go visit’.
The colours of Morning

Yes, you have finally caught up with us, we are currently in Denmark and I must say, in a somewhat bemused state. In the past, for some obscure reason, we have shunned this pretty spot. We seemed to think it was a bit contrived and yuppie for our tastes. Perhaps, we had not spotted this particular CP before and perhaps while here we simply visited friends and didn’t really look at the place. We are staying at the River Mouth CP and as luck would have it have a bay right on the banks of the Wilson Inlet. The weather here is balmy and fine (currently), the nights delightfully crisp, the mornings brisk with fine mist rising from the waters of the river, the days kept pleasant by the barest zephyr of a breeze fanning across the inlet and all in all it is just a little paradise. We are in love with the place and now have a new venue to add to our list of favourites. We only arrived on Friday (today is Sunday) and so far have not done a great deal of exploring. We will go driving around of course, but we have seen most of this area on a number of times previously so it will really be revisiting favourites once again. While here we will ‘do’ the tree-top walk at the Valley of the Giants and we will also visit a little ‘bird place ‘ up the road a piece. I also plan on doing the tourist thing this time around and visiting some of the local producers of this and that (honey products, toffee, wines, chocolates, art, pottery and all that sort of lovely thing girls!) This hectic activity will be fitted in around visiting some friends, sitting painting and generally reflecting on life whilst watching the water and the water-fowl float by our front door. As I mentioned previously we are right on the water-front. There is a pathway between us and the water where everyone walks their puppies and so we have plenty of folk to chat to while we are out there surveying our ‘temporary’ kingdom. This place has reminded us all over again why we live the way we do and why we love it so much.

The caravan park here seems excellent and is once again dog friendly.

As far as personal issues are concerned, mum is doing OK sort of, in our absence. The first week we were away she fell over in the middle of the road in Midland. She had to wait for someone to help her to her feet and then she tottered over to her chemist where at her request they patched her up. They then charged her $5 for the service provided. She must have been going to this particular chemist for some 20 years and I might add would have spent an absolute fortune there in that time – says something about our world I think. I know they have to cover the cost of the stuff used and the time of their staff too, but really.....................! Oh well, that is the world I guess. Anyway, since then she has been OK but it is becoming more and more apparent she just cannot live alone much longer. We are currently casting around for ideas as to how to look after her whilst maintaining a good quality of life ourselves. Of course it will all work itself out in the end, but it is a worry nevertheless.

As far as we know the kids are all OK, as we have been out of range a great deal of the time we haven’t really been in touch and as they haven’t contacted us, we must assume all is OK. Say no more!!

DD is still really TBBITW (The Best Bloke In The World) and we bump along. I do worry that he spends too much time doing serious stuff and while I am endlessly grateful for his capacity to work the market, I think he needs to lighten up somewhat for his own sake. He is getting the hang of his new camera and I will post some of his new photos for your enjoyment. My painting is sort of coming along, although I have just birthed a most strange child with the last one – half of it is exceptionally good and the other half....well, odd to say the least. Ahhh, what does it really matter? I am a little disappointed but will get back on the proverbial horse and start something else. I just will not re-do this one again as I have re-done it at least 3 times already and the canvas will be sagging with the weight of the paint if I try again! As you will have guessed, my writing has taken a back seat to the painting at the moment, and while the weather is good and I have all this wonderful time, it will stay that way. I will do a final blog of this journey when we have finished enjoying this wonderful place and that will most likely be it for a little while again. So, once again, sorry to be so long winded, but there was a great deal to cover.

Love each other and remember that when you judge others, you define not them, but rather yourself as a person who needs to judge. This is a misquoted passage from an excellent book I once read and has been one of my greatest lessons. I am happy to share it with you. Love until next time – Steph.

From the Van

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